Wednesday 4 April 2012

Ibiza Trip with Ryan

Finally back from the most relaxing of my trips this semester :) However the trip didn't exactly get off the best foot, for both of us lol. Ryan had an extremely early flight on Thursday morning, and there were no early morning trains to Milan Airport. (one fact about Europe that I've learned, "early morning" is around 7am lol nothing is open in Dublin until about 9am, even on weekdays...compared to 24hr Starbucks in the states, ours opens at 10am) So, Ryan had to take a train to the airport the night before, and spent the night like a homeless person, with about 40 other people, outside the terminal lol 

I, on the other hand, simply slept through my alarm. I woke up at 7am, when my plane left at 9:20am, lookng forward to an hour long bus ride to the airport. Needless to say, I made it on time. Barely. I usually pass out on airplanes, but i was so worked up i couldn't sleep, so I took some pretty sweet pics from the plane, the first is of Ireland, the second of some spanish mountains, and the third of the island of Ibiza (pronounced "Ibitha" in Catalan).

Once I landed in Ibiza, I immediately shed my Ireland attire, welcoming the upper 70's weather. Was definitely not used to that lol Met up with Ryan pretty easily and made our way into Ibiza Town, where our hostel was. Our hostel was actually really nice compared to everywhere else I have stayed. We had our own room, and a rooftop balcony. Woot woot.

After getting settled, we immediately made our way to the beach. Since it was a Thursday, it wasnt too crowded at all, but definitely gorgeous. 

After the beach, we found this small restaurant, and tried a native dish suggested by the waitor, not really sure how to describe it except that it was literally a pizza piled on top of a huge chicken breast? Delicious. 

The next day, we slept in a little bit, mostly due to Ryan's bit of a hangover from a bit of wine the night before lol However, we made it out, and did a LOT of exploring. All we had to go off of was a very vague map and the Mediterranean Ocean lol We stopped at Platya D'en Bossa for a while to catch some sun and then continued on.

Can you see me on the rocks? :)

Along the way on our little adventure, we stumbled across the most beautiful places ive ever seen, including marinas, caves, and huge hills that we had no choice but to hike up haha

We finally made it to the next beach over, Salinas Beach, known for its salt mining. It was really cool to see, but we were just so exhausted, had literally trekked miles to this place lol In the end, we were happy that it took us so long to get here, because the sunset was amazingggg :) There was a rock in this secluded cove, that had been carved into so many different animals, and people, and objects it was pretty interesting. 

After our long day of hiking, we grabbed some beers at the beach bar, took a taxi back to Ibiza Town, grabbed some food and passed out lol

The next day, we decided that we wanted to take it easy, lay on the beach for a while. However, after a couple of hours at the beach, we realized that I lost the keys....oops. Luckily our hostel owner was really chill about it and just gave us the spares. We headed back to the beach, and followed a boardwalk past some live spanish music and ended up on some cliffs overlooking all of Ibiza Town.

The next morning we grabbed some wholesome breakfast at McDonald's,  over here they serve beer with french fries lol and headed to a medieval fort for some day drinking before jumping on our planes back to Ireland and Italy.

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